Kuro Kage shaft review

Shaft Review – Mitsubishi Rayon Kuro Kage

(Written Past: GolfSpy Matt) Mitsubishi Rayon claims that a new technological breakthrough has immune them to produce the Kuro Kage: a family of shafts which bundle top notch functioning and trademark shine feel with a (relatively) low cost.  Does the Kuro Kage live upwardly to these bold statements?  Read on to discover out.

Notes, Feel,  Cost, and Miscellaneous

Gotta beginning with this: Kuro Kage, or Black Shadow, is an awesome name.  It sounds like a comic book hero.  With a name that cool, I think the graphics are, frankly, disappointing.  The grey butt section fades to black through some square graphics around the logo.  Kinda dull, and a missed opportunity, in my opinion.  Oh well.

Mistubishi says that the Kuro Kage follows their "Shine" profile, meaning that the shaft is softest in the tip, softer in the mid section, and stiffest in the butt.  I have also heard information technology described equally being similar to a Blueish Board, but with a softer tip.  This softer tip is balanced out by a "High Density Pre-preg" in the tip that creates more stability.

How does all that technical stuff translate to experience, you ask?  In my opinion, the Kuro Kage feels like a Kaili with a stiffer tip.  Information technology has a nice kick in the midsection of the shaft on a expert swing.  What'due south interesting is that on a less-than-good swing, there is very fiddling kick or feel.  This sentiment was echoed past a pocket-sized grouping of other people who demoed the Kuro Kage with me.  However, as ever, that'due south but what my hands tell me.  You lot can read another MGSer'due south thoughts here.

With regard to the hybrid shaft, I unequivocally love the feel.  Smooth, easy to load, with a overnice firm tip.  And, as you'll encounter below, the functioning was fantabulous.

Every bit I said at the showtime, the Kuro Kage is being offered at a much lower toll than Mitsubishi's Diamana series.  The wood shafts can exist purchased for $175, and the hybrid shafts retail for $80.

For this review, I tested both the wood shaft and the hybrid shaft.  The forest shaft was a 70 gram stiff, and the hybrid shaft was a 90 gram potent.  The woods shafts are offered in 50, 60, 70, and 80 grams with flexes ranging from ladies flex to X-flex.  The hybrid shafts range weigh eighty, 90, or 100 grams and come in regular, potent, and X-flex.

Operation – Driver

As usual, I've broken the Operation department into two pieces: Data (launch monitor testing) and Real World (range and form).  For the launch monitor testing, I put the Kuro Kage up against my Matrix RUL, both in an R9 460 9.v head.  I hit 10 "good" shots with each shaft, changing frequently and so that fatigue was not an issue, nor did I get grooved with one shaft to the detriment of fairness.  I went through this procedure iii times and averaged the sets of data.

For anyone interested in the swing that produces these numbers: my lodge head speed is usually between 100MPH and 110MPH, my swing is fairly apartment, and my misses are blocks and hooks, depending on which side of the bed I go out on.

DRIVER Information

*For dispersion, the results are listed with an (L) for left of target, and (R) for right of target.

**The new launch monitor software that I'm using seems to really exaggerate coil, peculiarly on low spinning shots.  This is why my pedestrian ball speed ends up with LM readings of 300 yards.



I'll start out by saying, once once again, that it's not fair to say that the Kuro Kage isn't skilful because it didn't beat out the RUL.  I've tried dozens of shafts, and the RUL is simply a great fit for me.  The only reason I include the comparison is to make the data a lilliputian more meaningful.

That said, the Kuro Kage performed very well for me.  Yous can run into that it's pretty much a mid-launch, mid-spin shaft like the RUL, with just a bit more than spin.  Truthfully, it reminded me a lot of the Kaili that I played for quite a while last year. If you like the Kaili, or if you want to try one without dropping $300+, the Kuro Kage is something worth testing.


On the range, the Kuro Kage was hard to distinguish from the RUL.  Based on the numbers, this shouldn't be hard to believe.  The ballflight was very consistent from swing to swing, and it performed well into the wind.

Performance – Hybrid

For the hybrid shaft, I tested the Kuro Kage confronting the Alida RIP hybrid shaft in a 22* TaylorMade Rescue 11.  The testing process was the same for the hybrid as it was for the driver.


*For dispersion, the results are listed with an (50) for left of target, and (R) for correct of target.



The area where the Kuro Kage impressed me nigh was dispersion.  In that location were a number of shots where I felt that the result was much amend than the swing deserved.  As you can run across in the numbers, the Kuro Kage was slightly tighter on both the left and right side compared to the RIP.  The Kuro Kage did launch slightly higher than the RIP, but spun slightly less.


On the range, I feel that the discrepancy between the Kuro Kage and the RIP was much greater than the numbers show.  For some reason, I had a very difficult time getting a consequent shot pattern out of the RIP: I striking shots loftier, low, left, and right.  The Kuro Kage was much more consistent in producing medium-high shots that were generally directly.


With the Kuro Kage, Mitsubishi Rayon has produced a series of shafts that feature the performance and experience of one of their nearly popular shafts, the Kaili, at a significantly lower price.  If you've enjoyed the performance of past Mitsubishi shafts, or if you lot want to run into what all the fizz is about, the Kuro Kage is worth a look.

VISIT WEBSITE: http://www.mitsubishirayongolf.com